Senior Care News

Helping Seniors Who Can’t Move Well

Personal care at home can help a senior who wants to live at home but cannot do things on their own.
Personal Care at Home in Webb City MO
Personal Care at Home in Webb City MO

When your loved one can’t move, aging in place can be a struggle. Personal care at home can help a senior who wants to live at home but cannot do things on their own. When a senior is less mobile, they may not be able to dress independently, bathe, or even eat without help. It’s important never to judge your loved one and help where it’s needed or find the right personal care at home for them. Here are a few easy ways that you can truly support your loved one who is having problems with mobility:


Clean The House

One of the easiest ways to help your loved one move around is by ensuring there is nothing that can cause them to fall or hinder their movement. Your loved one may be unable to clear a path in their house independently because bending may become too challenging. If this happens, their homes can be cluttered, and this can lead to danger for your senior loved ones. Help them by moving things in rooms they don’t use or encourage them to get rid of things they do not need. Their home should be comfortable but not cluttered. Keep everything they need to feel relaxed but get rid of anything taking up too much space.


Find The Right Help

Many devices can now help your loved one stay mobile. Your senior loved one may be able to find the right personal care at home, but if they want to remain as independent as possible, they should adopt the right tools. They may be able to find wheelchairs to help move them around the house or even outside of the house. A cane may help your senior by providing support where necessary. If you find one that you think may work, you may have to help your senior learn to use it.


Understand How to Increase Mobility

Your senior loved one may hesitate to pick up help from a tool or device because they may feel like their bodies are failing them. It is important to acknowledge feelings while encouraging them to stay as mobile as possible, even with the help of an aid or personal care at home. Encourage them to do things that will help increase their mobility, like working out. If your senior is unsure what exercises they should be doing, encourage them to go to a professional like a physical therapist who can help them.


Let Them Do What They Can

When your senior has a hard time being mobile, it can be easy to try and do everything for them. However, you should continue to let them do the things they are still capable of doing, even if it takes them longer to accomplish something. The more they can do on their own, the higher their quality of life will be, the more independent they can stay, and the happier they will be. They may not want to rely on personal care at home for everything, which is okay; it is healthy to want to do things on their own.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Webb City, MO please contact the caring staff at Adelmo Family Care today at (417) 206-4576.

John Good

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